Rapport annuel 2015

Five-year review

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Chiffres-clés de 2015

Infographie 2015

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Five-year overview

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
European patent filings
Direct European applications 62 558 63 166 60 650 60 046 61 725
PCT international patent applications 182 437 195 334 205 268 214 321 217 142
Total European patent filings 244 995 258 500 265 918 274 367 278 867

European patent applications filed with the EPO

Direct European applications 62 558 63 166 60 650 60 046 61 725
PCT applications entering the regional phase 80 264 85 396 87 377 92 657 98 297
Total European patent applications filed with the EPO 142 822 148 562 148 027 152 703 160 022

Searches carried out

European searches 94 281 95 510 96 217 102 088 128 547
Other searches 101 125 102 054 107 176 110 920 109 530
  For national offices and third parties 26 143 23 996 25 526 26 663 24 391
  International 74 982 78 058 81 650 84 257 85 139
Total searches 195 406 197 564 203 393 213 008 238 077

Examinations and oppositions

International preliminary examinations 7 242 7 954 7 871 7 853 9 363
European examinations 105 112 104 459 101 147 96 062 113 586
European patents granted 62 112 65 657 66 712 64 613 68 421
Patents opposed 2 963 2 994 2 963 3 063 2 898
Decisions in opposition cases 3 250 3 270 3 167 3 157 3 713


  Technical Boards of Appeal 2 657 2 602 2 515 2 353 2 387
  Enlarged Board of Appeal
  - Petitions for review 21 15 17 17 10
  - Referrals 1 1 0 4 4
  Technical Boards of Appeal 1 875 2 029 2 137 2 300 2 287
  Legal Board of Appeal 15 19 25 22 27
  Disciplinary Board of Appeal 12 7 8 17 7


Total staff 6 790 6 766 6 814 6 892 6 815
Examiners 3 961 3 994 4 112 4 221 4 227
Figures are based on data from the EPO and WIPO (for PCT filings) as available on 27/01/2016. PCT filings for 2015 are therefore estimates.

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