Annual Report 2017

European patent filings

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This graph shows the geographic origin of the European patent filings1. This is determined by the country of residence of the first applicant listed on the application form (first-named applicant principle2).

Development of European patent filings over the last 5 years with regional breakdown
Development of European patent filings over the last 10 years with regional breakdown
Source: EPO (for direct European filings); WIPO (for PCT filings1).
Status: 22.1.2018; PCT filings for 2017 are estimates.
1 European patent filings include direct European filings under the European Patent Convention (EPC) and international filings under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).
2 In cases where several applicants are mentioned on the application form, the country of residence of the first applicant listed applies.
3 EPO states: the 38 member states of the European Patent Organisation, which includes the 28 states of the EU.

Filing routes

In 2017, European patent filings1 included more than 68 000 direct European filings (Direct) and around 242 700 PCT international filings (PCT). The percentage of PCT international filings has increased over the past five years.

Development of European patent filings over the last 5 years with breakdown between international fillings and direct European filings
Development of European patent filings over the last 10 years with breakdown between international fillings and direct European filings
Source: EPO (for direct European filings); WIPO (for PCT filings1).
Status: 22.1.2018; PCT filings for 2017 are estimates.
1 European patent filings include direct European filings under the European Patent Convention (EPC) and international filings under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).

European patent filings per country of origin

This graph shows the geographic origin of the European patent filings1. This is determined by the country of residence of the first applicant listed on the application form (first-named applicant principle2).

Share of European patent filings per country of origin in 2016
Source: EPO (for direct European filings); WIPO (for PCT filings1).
Status: 22.1.2018; PCT filings for 2017 are estimates.
1 European patent filings include direct European filings under the European Patent Convention (EPC) and international filings under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).
2 In cases where several applicants are mentioned on the application form, the country of residence of the first applicant listed applies.
3 EPO states: the 38 member states of the European Patent Organisation, which includes the 28 states of the EU.

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