Annual Report 2018

Granted patents

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Total grants

This graph shows the geographic origin of the patents granted by the EPO1 based on the country of residence of the first patentee listed on the published patent2.

Development of European patents granted over the last 5 years with regional breakdown
Development of European patents granted over the last 10 years with regional breakdown
Source: EPO.
Status: 21.1.2019.
1 The analysis is based on published patents granted by the EPO.
2 The geographic origin is based on the country of residence of the first patentee listed on the published patent. In cases where several patentees are mentioned on the published patent, the country of residence of the first patentee listed applies.
3 EPO states: the 38 member states of the European Patent Organisation, which includes the 28 states of the EU.

Granted patents per country of origin

This graph shows the geographic origin of the patents granted by the EPO1 based on the country of residence of the first patentee listed on the published patent2.

Share of granted patents per country of origin in 2016
Source: EPO.
Status: 21.1.2019.
1 The analysis is based on published patents granted by the EPO.
2 In cases where several patentees are mentioned on the published patent, the country of residence of the first patentee listed applies.
3 EPO states: the 38 member states of the European Patent Organisation, which included the 28 states of the EU.

Designations as contracting states

This analysis1 shows the number of designations for each of the EPO states.

Country of residence of the patentee3 Patents1 Rate2
AL Albania 101 224 79.3%
AT Austria 123 814 97.0%
BE Belgium 123 810 97.0%
BG Bulgaria 123 221 96.5%
CH Switzerland 123 920 97.1%
CY Cyprus 123 696 96.9%
CZ Czech Republic 123 250 96.6%
DE Germany 127 357 99.8%
DK Denmark 123 764 97.0%
EE Estonia 123 217 96.5%
ES Spain 124 197 97.3%
FI Finland 123 800 97.0%
FR France 126 924 99.5%
GB United Kingdom 126 443 99.1%
GR Greece 123 716 96.9%
HR Croatia 114 871 90.0%
HU Hungary 123 026 96.4%
IE Ireland 123 766 97.0%
IS Iceland 121 680 95.3%
IT Italy 124 994 97.9%
LI Liechtenstein 123 920 97.1%
LT Lithuania 121 574 95.3%
LU Luxembourg 123 709 96.9%
LV Latvia 120 794 94.6%
MC Monaco 123 697 96.9%
MK North Macedonia, Republic of 110 164 86.3%
MT Malta 117 482 92.1%
NL Netherlands 124 210 97.3%
NO Norway 114 872 90.0%
PL Poland 122 393 95.9%
PT Portugal 123 728 96.9%
RO Romania 122 948 96.3%
RS Serbia 97 618 76.5%
SE Sweden 123 928 97.1%
SI Slovenia 123 057 96.4%
SK Slovakia 123 222 96.6%
SM San Marino 107 288 84.1%
TR Turkey 123 600 96.8%
Total 4 598 894  
Source: EPO.
Status: 21.1.2019.
1 The analysis is based on published patents granted by the EPO.
2 The rate indicates the share of the patents designating the country in % of the total number of granted patents in the year 2018.
3 In cases where several patentees are mentioned on the published patent, the country of residence of the first patentee listed applies.

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