Jahresbericht 2016

Granted patents

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Schlüsselzahlen 2016

Infografik 2016

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Total grants

The EPO granted approximately 95 900 patents in 2016, an increase of 40% over 2015, and the highest ever number. This increase was possible following a series of reforms improving quality processes and enhancing efficiency, which ensure high productivity without compromising on quality.

Development of European patents granted over the last 5 years with regional breakdown
Development of European patents granted over the last 10 years with regional breakdown
Analysis based on granted patents published.
Statistics are based on the first-named patentee.

Granted patents per country of origin

Most patents were granted to European companies (51%), followed by applicants from the US and Japan. The number of patents granted to Chinese applicants is growing rapidly, albeit from a low number.

Share of granted patents per country of origin in 2016 Analysis based on granted patents published.
Statistics are based on the first-named patentee.
Analysis based on granted patents published.
Statistics are based on the first-named patentee.

Designations as contracting states

Country of residence of the patentee Patents Rate
AL Albania 58 709 61.2%
AT Austria 90 287 94.1%
BE Belgium 90 318 94.1%
BG Bulgaria 89 085 92.9%
CH Switzerland 90 519 94.3%
CY Cyprus 90 095 93.9%
CZ Czech Republic 89 188 92.9%
DE Germany 95 623 99.7%
DK Denmark 90 250 94.1%
EE Estonia 89 083 92.9%
ES Spain 90 951 94.8%
FI Finland 90 336 94.2%
FR France 94 890 98.9%
GB United Kingdom 94 518 98.5%
GR Greece 90 153 94.0%
HR Croatia 76 610 79.9%
HU Hungary 88 797 92.6%
IE Ireland 90 278 94.1%
IS Iceland 86 442 90.1%
IT Italy 92 328 96.2%
LI Liechtenstein 90 519 94.3%
LT Lithuania 86 286 89.9%
LU Luxembourg 90 151 94.0%
LV Latvia 85 032 88.6%
MC Monaco 90 126 93.9%
MK Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of 70 292 73.3%
MT Malta 80 344 83.7%
NL Netherlands 90 928 94.8%
NO Norway 76 626 79.9%
PL Poland 87 622 91.3%
PT Portugal 90 178 94.0%
RO Romania 88 632 92.4%
RS Serbia 54 429 56.7%
SE Sweden 90 554 94.4%
SI Slovenia 88 826 92.6%
SK Slovakia 89 087 92.9%
SM San Marino 66 511 69.3%
TR Turkey 89 846 93.6%
Total 3 274 379
Analysis based on granted patents published.
Statistics are based on the first-named patentee.
EPO: the 38 member states of the European Patent Organisation, including EU28

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